Last Updated on 11/05/2023 by Dochlaggie. Post first published on August 28, 2021.
Whenever people talk about Pomeranians shedding, the inevitable question is asked, Are Pomeranians hypoallergenic dogs, is a Pomeranian allergy-friendly, and are Pomeranians bad for allergies?
Pomeranians are not thought to be hypoallergenic dogs. Pomeranians are not among the better dog breeds for people with allergies. This is because they are moderate shedders and can produce dander, triggering an allergic reaction in some individuals.
This popular breed of dog has been known to cause allergies in people, but there are steps you can take to ensure that your home is safe for all family members.
The fact is, there’s no hypoallergenic dog. All canines experience some level of dander and shedding and, therefore, may trigger allergies. The cause of a pet allergy is exposure to saliva or dander, often on hair they have shed. Pomeranian Dogs are not heavy shedders.
So read on to find out all about are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic dogs.

Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?
The question of whether are Pomeranians hypoallergenic has to be answered in the negative. Pomeranians shed hair and skin cells, thus producing dander.
As with every animal, Pomeranians have dander, but this is unrelated to their hair or the amount they may shed, as it comes from their skin cells.
Dander is dead skin cell flakes that mammals constantly shed. It is similar to people’s dandruff but is almost impossible to see by human eyes.
Dander, not animal hair, is what makes people have pet allergies.
Are Pomeranians Allergy Friendly?
No, Pomeranians are not especially allergy-friendly dogs. Therefore, if you have allergies, it’s wise to be in the company of different Pomeranians before you actually bring one into your home.
If you have a pet allergy, you can still have a Pomeranian for a pet if you control your allergies and take positive actions to reduce the dander your dog produces.
Are Pomeranians hypoallergenic? No! Dander is always created, but with your actions, you shouldn’t need to stress over it.
Are Pomeranians Good for Allergy Sufferers?
Are Pomeranians good for people who suffer from allergies? It’s true- these little fluff balls don’t shed much at all and have very low levels of dander, making them perfect pets if someone has common allergic reactions like sneezing, coughing, rashes, etc.
In a recent study, it was found that Pomeranians can be good pets for people with allergies. They have double fur coats, which are only shed on a seasonal basis.
Helping to reduce the number of allergens and their small size does not affect one’s ability to clean up after them as much as larger dog breeds do.
Shedding is a common problem for those who own dogs. But some breeds shed less than others, such as the double-coated dog. Smooth-coated dog breed sheds daily, and these types of dogs are not recommended if you suffer from allergies or other respiratory issues.
If a Pomeranian has a home with you already, and you have flaring allergies, there are specific steps to stop the annoying side effects.
Grooming is the very first step. Brush your Pomeranian’s coat as often as possible so you’ll have a greater chance of collecting dander and fur before it ends up in the living areas of your home.
Pomeranians have a thick, double coat and will shed once or twice a year. They’re a much better choice of dog for allergy sufferers than smooth-coated dogs that shed hair daily.
Regular grooming will help to stop the shedding of his coat and dander. Brush your Pomeranian daily, but don’t over-bathe him because that will cause dry skin and even more dander.

Are Pomeranians Bad for Allergies?
The Pomeranian breed has become more popular in recent years as they’re often seen on social media and with celebrities. But are these dogs good for allergy sufferers?
There’s no clear answer to this question–some people with severe allergies can’t be near them because their allergic reaction worsens, while others who suffer from milder symptoms find relief after spending time with one.
Do Pomeranians Have a Lot of Dander?
Pomeranians are one of the breeds producing little dander. There are many misconceptions surrounding the dander that dogs produce (especially because the dander is the cause of allergy problems). The Pomeranian’s double-coated fur creates far less shedding of dander.
Can you be Allergic to Pomeranians?
Can humans be allergic to Poms? The answer is yes.
One never knows what a person might be allergic to. The most common allergens are cats, dogs, dust mites, or pollen from plants like grasses and flowers.
Do Pomeranians Cause Allergies?
There is a lot of debate on whether Pomeranian dogs cause allergies. Some people argue that their fur can trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals, while others say it’s just the owner who has to change how they groom and care for them because proper grooming will result in less shedding.
Do these fluffy little dogs become tangled with our sinuses? There are many theories about whether Poms are related to allergy triggers like dust mites. This risk could either be lowered by regular grooming.

8 Methods for Decreasing Pomeranian Allergens
- 1. Groom daily. Doing so will significantly reduce the allergens, particularly if you’re using a product such as Allerpet. Bathing them weekly will help remove dander as well.
- 2. Instead of allowing your beloved pet to roam the house and climb over all the furniture, buy him a designated bed.
- 3. Ban the bedroom. You may dislike sleeping without your pet on the bed, but, if you ban him from entering your bedroom, it will be a space free of all allergens.
- 4. Buy a HEPA Filter. A HEPA air cleaner is a wise investment as it will collect a lot of dander.
- 5. Vacuum. Keep surfaces clean by regularly vacuuming potential dog hair.
- 6. Wash your hands. Always wash your hands after petting or playing with your Pomeranian to avoid germs, allergens, and anything else that may affect you.
- 7. Use Omega-3s. Include Omega-3 fish oil in your dog’s diet; you’ll keep his coat healthy and decrease any dander.
- 8. Consider Medication…for yourself, not your pet. Your doctor can recommend the best allergy medications for pets.
If you follow the basic tips here, you’ll minimize allergies you may experience, no thanks to your pet’s dander.
What are Hypoallergenic Dogs?
There are no guarantees that a dog won’t trigger allergies, but some breeders claim their puppies to be hypoallergenic.
According to the American Kennel Club, there is no 100 percent hypoallergenic dog breed.
Sometimes people think that certain breeds of dogs don’t shed and won’t cause allergic reactions because they seem low maintenance, but this isn’t always true.
People with allergies should be careful when choosing pets since not all animals will make them comfortable around them, even if some claim otherwise.
The AKC explains in detail why you shouldn’t expect your pet’s hair loss levels to change based on what type of animal you get.
While there are no 100% hypoallergenic dogs, there are many breeds that do well with allergy sufferers. Dander, which is attached to pet hair, is what causes most pet allergies in humans and these dogs have a non-shedding coat that produces less dander.
AKC on Hypoallergenic Dogs.
What Breed of Dog is Best if You Have Allergies?
The best dogs for someone with allergies are typically smaller breeds and poodle-type dogs. This is because these dogs shed less, making them a more low-maintenance pet in the house or apartment, even if they trigger an allergy.
While all canines can trigger an allergy, the best dogs for someone with allergies, according to the list belonging to the AKC, are:
The most hypoallergenic breeds, according to the AKC list of canine rankings are: Bulldogs and the Bichon Frise. They top out at 10-15% on allergic reactions.
The next best picks would be Schnauzers with a 20% allergy rate which is still much better than 50%. Rottweilers have an allergic reaction rate topping out around 40%, but they’re extremely protective…which might not suit everyone’s needs.
It seems as if German Shepherds are great for those who want protection without allergies because their rates range from 25%-30%.
Lastly, Labradors seem like the perfect choice; while Labrador Retrievers were ranked 23rd in popularity by Dog breed info (in 2017),

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?
The word “hypoallergenic” is one that we hear a lot. But what does it mean?
The term hypoallergenic was first used by the cosmetic industry and is not officially associated with dogs.
The word “hypoallergenic” means that someone’s skin won’t react to something, such as a product or an animal (in this case). The term was coined in 1979 when dermatologists were looking for ways to avoid allergic reactions caused by cosmetics.
A hypoallergenic product may have been made in an environment so clean and free of allergens, such as dust or pet dander, that the risk for allergic reaction to materials used in manufacturing is extremely low. The formulation has also been adjusted with ingredients chosen carefully to minimize any allergen potential but still provide effective skincare benefits.
Final Thoughts on Is a Pomeranian Hypoallergenic?
So to answer your questions about are Pomeranian dog’s hypoallergenic and are Pomeranian puppies hypoallergenic? There’s no dog that’s 100% hypoallergenic, but there are things to do to combat your pet’s hair shedding, thus controlling the amount of dander in your home.
It’s no secret that people with allergies can be very sensitive to pets, especially dogs. Though it may not seem possible for a dog to have zero dander in their fur and saliva, there are ways you can help combat the number of allergens around your home: brush them often and vacuum them frequently.
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References and Further Reading:
[1] Denise Leo “The Pomeranian Handbook.”
[2] AKC “Hypoallergenic Dogs”.