Last Updated on 29/11/2023 by Dochlaggie. Post first published on November 2, 2021.
A great thing about Pomeranians is that they are relatively easy to train. They are intelligent little dogs that can be trained just like any other dog.
Training your Pomeranian is exciting but at the same time, it’s challenging. Cute, feisty, and furry, Pomeranians are intelligent and smart dogs. Don’t let their cuteness fool you, however. These independent, bold dogs have minds of their own. They have big personalities and behave larger than they appear.
Untrained toy breed dogs, including Pomeranian dogs, are often snappy with children and tend to bark at strangers, other pets and unfamiliar people. Fortunately, all of these behaviors can be managed with early training. Training your Pomeranians requires time, patience, and a consistent schedule. It can also strengthen the bond between you and your Pom.

Training for Pomeranian Puppy Dogs
Like all dogs, Pomeranian puppies thrive on human companionship and need consistent training right from puppyhood. Training can bring joy and happiness to you and your dog.
Your Pomeranian might need the following training:
Obedience Training
Your Pomeranian needs to obey you but it takes some time and commitment to training a Pom to be obedient. Obedience training can help you overcome common Pomeranian behavior problems and will help keep your little dog safe.
Obedience training will set your Pomeranian on a path to be a well-mannered, social dog. It helps your Pom understand the basic commands like sit, stay, drop it, and lie down.
It will be much easier to teach when your Pom is still young. This is because puppies respond well to early training. You can start training your Pomeranian when it is only 8 weeks old.
Here are a few aspects you should be careful about:
- Teach your Pomeranian puppy to respond to basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘down.
- Practice these commands several times a day to make sure that your dog understands what you want.
- High-value treats will be key to train your Pomeranian to be obedient. You may need to change these treats every now and then to keep your Pom engaged.
- Keep training sessions short but ensure they are productive and your Pomeranian is engaged.
- Start training your Pomeranian early and be consistent to avoid bad behavior.
- Be sure to offer your Pomeranian treats for a job well done so it continues to be engaged and motivated.

Crate Training
Crate training is a very important step in Pomeranian ownership. Many dog parents view crates like a nightmare prison. You must establish the proper mindset that crate training isn’t imprisoning your Pomeranian. It serves as a safe spot, not a place of punishment.
A good crate can fulfill your fur buddy’s natural desire for a den. Here’s how you can crate train your Pom:
- One of the most important steps in crate training your Pomeranian is to make sure you buy the right size crate. The crate should be of sufficient size for Pom to stand up and turn around.
- Place the crate in a room where your Pomeranian spends a lot of time.
- Determine how your little dog will be most comfortable. Try to make it an activity-filled area so that your Pomeranian doesn’t feel lonely.
- Place a few treats and a pile of toys in the middle of his crate and then place your Pomeranian inside next to them. Close the door and leave your pup alone for five minutes to explore.
- If your pup decides to bark to show displeasure, let it go on until it gets tired of complaining. Then give your pup a treat, and let it out.
- Take crate training slowly for your dog. Give your dog plenty of time to get used to the crate.
- Make the whole experience pleasant for your fur baby. Offer treats to motivate and encourage it to stay in the crate.
Pet Parent Tip: Pomeranians should never, ever have collars and leashes on when they’re in the crate. This can be dangerous as the little fur buddies might choke themselves.
Leash Training
Leash training can be difficult but essential for Pomeranians. It is especially significant if the two of you are going to enjoy walks together. Your Pom should always be on a leash when out with you.
- The first thing to make sure of is that you must have the right equipment. Choose the right type of leash and collar for your Pomeranian.
- Start by introducing your Pomeranian to the collar or harness and leash.
- Make the puppy come to you and reward your fur baby when it comes to you.
- When your Pomeranian is on a leash, don’t allow them to pull it. When your pup starts to pull, stand still and it will realize that what it is doing is not pleasing.
- First practice leash training inside the house with little distractions.
- Once your Pom is comfortable inside, repeat this training in many different settings, and at many different places.
- Walk at a quick pace when leash training. It keeps your Pomeranian more focused on walking.
- Keep training sessions short, frequent, and don’t exhaust your dog.
- When your Pom is on a leash, show a lot of patience until your furry pal calms before you walk them out.
- Reward your Pomeranian with a treat for following you.

House Training and Potty Training
Potty training and house training are among the main challenges of many Pomeranian puppy owners. The little guys are difficult to house train and may require quite a bit of effort and patience. If you want to cut back on accidents, consistency is the key.
Begin potty training your Pomeranians when they are between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At this stage, they have enough control of their bladder and bowel movements to hold it. When you start to housebreak your Pom, follow these steps:
- Pick a certain area outside and take your Pomeranian to the same area every time it needs to go.
- Teach your Pomeranian the potty cue. Every time you take your Pom outside to their designated area, use this command.
- Keep the Pomeranian on a regular feeding schedule and be consistent with it.
- Give regular or constant access to the bathroom place to go. Take your Pomeranian outside frequently. Take your little fur buddy out immediately after it wakes up, during and after playtime, and after meals.
- Look out for signs that your Pom puppy is uneasy. These signs could be whining, circling, sniffing, barking, or any sudden behavior change.
- Housebreaking and potty training require positive reinforcement techniques. Reward your Pomeranian with praises and treats when it does something good.
- Experts recommend confining the puppy to a crate when you are not home. If you have already crate-trained your Pomeranian, housebreaking and potty training will be very easy.
Socialization of your Pomeranian Puppy
Try to socialize your Pom puppy as much as possible. Make sure your Pomeranian gets to encounter all kinds of people, animals, and objects in different places. Introducing new places and meeting new people will help your fur baby stay well-mannered into adulthood.
The easiest way to socialize is to take your Pomeranian for a daily walk. Some dog parks have a track that you can utilize for walking.

Pomeranian Training Tricks
Here are some remarkable tips on how to train your Pomeranian:
- Choose the right training equipment. The right type of leash and collar gives greater control over your Pomeranian.
- Training becomes easier if your Pomeranian is focused and attentive to your commands. Avoid distractions when you start training your Pomeranians. Once the dog starts learning, gradually move on to more distracting places.
- Pomeranians learn and perform better with positive reinforcement techniques. Punishments and harsh treatment will damage their personality.
- Training your Pomeranian requires consistent messages and rules given over time. Be consistent with your dog and show a lot of patience.
- Pomeranians usually have a very short attention span. They distract easily and tend to lose focus quickly. Keep your training sessions short and always end them on a positive note.
- You must establish your position as the Alpha of the family and clearly define the ground rules for your Pomeranian.
- Training your Pomeranian on a full tummy is downright dangerous.
- Provide opportunities for physical and mental stimulation.
- Also provide opportunities for socialization and early exposure to many different people, animals, sights, and sounds to your Pomeranian.
- If you are unable to devote much time to your Pomeranian, consider getting help from a dog trainer.
- You can enroll your Pomeranian in puppy classes. It’s a great place to help your pup with basic obedience and socialization.
Parting Shot on Training your Pomeranian
Adding a Pomeranian to your family is going to bring everyone a lot of fun. These little dogs are smart, fun, full of life, and make amazing pets. As a responsible Pomeranian parent, you must understand how to train your dog effectively.
Training your Pomeranian puppy is a commitment and requires much time and dedication. Train your little Pom properly and it will grow up into a well-behaved dog.
Which training tricks work best for your Pom puppy? Feel free to share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you!
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