Last Updated on 29/11/2023 by Dochlaggie. Post first published on November 15, 2022.
Are there different types of Pomeranian dogs? The answer to this question is yes, and there are several types of Pomeranians, each with unique characteristics.
This blog post will take a closer look at the different types of Pomeranian dogs and what distinguishes them from one another. So, if you’re considering getting a Pom and want to know more about the options available, keep reading!
The same as humans, all dogs look different and are individuals, but they still must conform to the American Kennel Club breed standard. Authoritatively there are no different breeds of Pomeranian or different Pomeranian breed types. There is just one Pomeranian dog breed.

How Many Types of Pomeranians are There?
Do we have different types of Pomeranians, are there 3 types of Pomeranians like the Poodle? Another example of a dog breed with different varieties is the Chihuahua which can be officially found in both smooth and long coat varieties.
Is there a Pomeranian breed list, many Pomeranian dog types, or Pomeranian varieties? The answer here is NO. The Pomeranian is just one breed type with no different varieties.

What is the Pomeranian Breed Standard?
The breed standard is the “blueprint” of the breed. Dedicated show breeders carefully select the traits and characteristics described in the breed standard.
By participating in dog shows, show Pomeranian breeders are able to evaluate and compare breeding programs.
Pictured below are Pomeranian puppies bred by a registered show Pomeranian breeder. These puppies can be expected to mature to be typical examples of the Pomeranian breed. As pictured below in the 3 photos.

Without the study of the breed standard, meticulous selection for breed quality and regular evaluation of breeding programs by participating in dog shows the very essence of the pomeranian is quickly lost.
Breeders who are dedicated to the breed do extensive health testing and prove their Pomeranians in the show ring prior to breeding. These types of breeders are often referred to as conservation breeders, as they are working to preserve the Pomeranian dog.

Pomeranians bred by people who do not show their Pomeranians may look adorable and very cute as young puppies.
New owners are often captivated by the appealing ball of fluff but are purchasing a totally different dog to the “show” type Pomeranian.
These puppies frequently mature considerably larger than the Pomeranian breed standard and are often a long snout Pomeranian or the term I prefer to use long-nose Pomeranian.
These dogs often lack the correct double coat and could be described as flat coat Pomeranians ( if different Pomeranian fur types existed).
Many pet Pomeranian purchasers are dismayed when their Pomeranian puppy does not grow up to look similar to Pomeranian Boo.
It should be explained, I don’t see show flaws as detrimental in pet Pomeranians. I adore each and every Pomeranian which exists.

All dogs are lovely, but if you intend to purchase a Pomeranian safeguard yourself by spending a little extra time selecting your Pomeranian and purchasing from a show Pomeranian breeder.

Teacup Pomeranian vs Pomeranian
Are there Teacup Pomeranian, Toy Pomeranians, Miniature Pomeranians, Pocket Poms, Miniature Pomeranian, Mini Pom, Teddy bears, Teddy Bear Pom, Teddy Bear Pomeranian, Baby Doll Pomeranian, Throwback Pomeranians, Standard Pomeranians, or even Teacup Teddy Bear Pomeranian?
Simply no, nearly all of these terms are not utilized by registered show Pomeranian breeders or the American Kennel Club.
Frequently, prospective Pomeranian owners wanting to obtain a high-quality double-coated Pomeranian, short-snout Pomeranian and correctly sized Pom dog ask for a Teacup Pomeranian, Toy Pomeranian, or Miniature Pomeranian.
Officially these varieties of Pomeranian do not exist.

Different Pomeranian Sizes
The Pomeranian is classed as a toy dog because he competes at dog shows, in all countries other than F.C.I. shows in the toy group against other toy dog breeds.
Purchasing your puppy from a registered show breeder will ensure that your Pomeranian will mature correctly to the breed standard.

Another Pomeranian Myth is the Term Throwback Pomeranian
Is there a throwback Pomeranian? Simply No! There is no dog breed called a throwback Pomeranian and there is no official term “throwback Pomeranian“.
Perhaps this term could be used to describe a pet shop/puppy farm or backyard breeder-type Pomeranian. This Pomeranian fox face type often will resemble a German Spitz more than a Pomeranian.

Pictured above is the type of Pomeranian puppy sold via pet shops, newspaper advertisements, backyard breeders, etc.
This type of Pomeranian puppy can be expected to mature into a large Pomeranian breed dog of the quality pictured above right. Pomeranian coat type is also often not correct.
While these little dogs are adorable and make great family pets, the usual reason they grow larger than breed standard requirements and don’t have the glamor looks of the show Pomeranian is because of poor breeding practices.

A throwback Pomeranian breeder is often a puppy farm or what is referred to as a backyard breeder. If this is the type you favor consider researching the German Spitz. Puppies of this breed seem to be easier to locate and sell for much less than Pomeranian puppies. These bigger types of dogs are also more suited to families with young children.

Final Thoughts on Types of Pomeranian Dogs
As a Pomeranian lover, I consider ALL Pomeranians to be BEAUTIFUL and special little individuals. The purpose of this article is to help people looking to buy a Pom puppy and to provide information so these people are able to purchase exactly the type of dog they desire.
So, there you have it. Everything you wanted to know about the different types of Pomeranian dogs: whether you’re looking for a show-quality dog or want a small fluffy friend to keep you company, we hope this article has helped make your decision easier.

Purchase The Pomeranian Handbook by Denise Leo
Copyright All Rights Reserved.
References and Further Reading:
[1] Official Standard of the Pomeranian (AKC). American Kennel Club, 2011.
[2] English Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, 2017.
[3] Denise Leo, The Pomeranian Handbook.
[4] Milo G. Denlinger “The Complete Pomeranian”“.
[5] Kimbering Pomeranians “1891-1991”.
[6] William Taplin “The Sportsman’s Cabinet”.
[7] E. Parker “The Popular Pomeranian”.
[8] Lilla Ives “Show Pomeranians”.