Caring For your Pomeranian

Protect your Pomeranian from Ticks, Mosquitos and Fleas

Pomeranian Headquarters

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Last Updated on 25/04/2024 by Dochlaggie. Post first published on June 3, 2019.

Protecting your Pomeranian from ticks, mosquitoes and fleas is a major responsibility because he needs to be protected every day. You must to eliminate them from your dog and from the house itself, another big ongoing problem.

Here are some facts to help you better understand  these pests and how to handle them, as well as suggestions for natural remedies that don’t contain chemicals.

It’s imperative that you also understand the potential side effects of oral and topical chemicals and pesticides, particularly how they relate to toy breeds such as Pomeranians.

This is because, as a small breed, they can be affected faster and more severely than a larger breed.

Pomeranians and Mosquitoes:

You and your Pomeranian will need a mosquito repellent, especially when your dog spends time outside in the Summer when there are thousands of mosquitoes hungry for blood. Mosquitoes carry deadly heart worm disease. Ask your veterinarian about heartworm prevention for your Pom.

Pomeranians and Ticks:

While most dog owners are aware of Lyme disease, the reality is that there are seven different diseases ticks can spread. Sadly, thousands of our canine friends all around the world succumb to ticks each year:

  1. Lyme disease is caused by deer ticks. In Canada and the US, they’re also called blacklegged ticks. In Europe, they’re also sheep ticks and in Asia, they’re called Taiga ticks. Unlike the majority of other ticks, deer ticks thrive all year long. Winter doesn’t kill them and as long as the ground isn’t frozen or laden with snow, these ticks can be a menace. They’re most common in the US in the northern Midwest and from Washington to southern Maine.
  2. Canine Ehrlichiosis is a product of the brown dog tick. This one is located in many US states but is more prevalent in the southwestern regions, and Florida has a huge tick infestation. This particular tick attaches itself to dogs. It mainly lives inside because it enjoys the warmth and will appear in potted plants. However, it can also exist outside in shrubbery, wooded places and grassy regions.
  3. Canine Anaplasmosis (aka dog tick fever or dog fever) is also caused by deer ticks.
  4. Canine Babesiosis is caused by both the brown dog tick and American dog tick.
  5. Canine Bartonellosis is caused by brown dog ticks.
  6. Canine Hepatozoonosis has two causes: the Gulf Coast tick and the brown dog tick. Ticks can bite your dog and cause the disease. However, if your dog eats a tick that’s carrying a disease, it can also infect him. These ticks can be found in Gulf Coast states such as: Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana and Texas. It can also exist in: Kansas, Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Oklahoma and Maryland.
  7. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by the lone star tick (found along the east coast and south-eastern states). The American dog tick is found in the eastern part of the US. Draw a line from Texas to Montana and you’ll find these ticks in all states east of that line as well as in the Pacific Northwest.

Important note. With the majority of tick-born diseases, you have a maximum of 24 hours to locate and remove a tick that’s feeding on your dog before the infection is transmitted.

How to Find a Tick on Pomeranian

Remember that your Pomeranian is small so he’s more likely to attract ticks as his body is close to the ground. If you live in any place where ticks are known to thrive, you should examine him every time he has been in tick-prone areas. This list includes: grassy areas (including your own yard), wooded areas, shrubbery, piles of leaves and fields.

To find tick on Pomeranian you need good lighting. Feel his body for any small bumps and watch for small dark spots. Check his entire body, including: his face, head, both sides of his ears, chin, all around his neck, armpits, chest, stomach, tail, legs, paw pads and between his toes.

How to Remove a Tick from a Pomeranian 

Never remove a tick by hand because certain diseases can be picked up by humans through the tick secretions.

Don’t try to burn the tick because you may accidentally burn your dog and it may force the tick to vomit into the site of the bite, causing further problems.

There are special tools you can use to remove ticks safely. If you don’t have,  or don’t wish to buy such tools, tweezers can help. Follow these exact steps:

  • Grip the mouth of the tick with the tweezers. This is the head part which will be buried under your Pom’s skin.
  • Using slow, even pressure, pull it straight out. This ensures the whole tick is removed and the head isn’t left behind because it has barbs that arch backwards.
  • Clean the site with warm water and soap. Then apply Betadine or another type of antiseptic. Always keep some in your Pomeranian’s first aid kit.
  • Don’t flush the tick down the toilet or throw it in the rubbish. If your dog does get infected, you have the specimen for pathogen testing and correct identification. Put it in a small zipped plastic bag and label it with the date of removal. If your dog has no signs of infection a month later, you can then discard the tick in its bag.
  • If you’re unable to remove the whole tick or if it’s too deeply buried, you must take your  Pom to the vet urgently so he can remove it within the vital 24 hour period.

Tips on maintaining a tick-free yard.

There are numerous things you can do to reduce the risk of tick infestations in your yard. Keep your lawns mowed short all the time.

Seal all crevices and cracks around the home. Never let lawn debris pile up. Ticks love shady, damp areas. Prune your low-hanging bushes so sunlight can get in easier.

Remove fruit that has fallen on the ground, don’t spread bird seed, clean your barbeque of all food scraps and don’t have wood piles.

All these tasks will help prevent rodents from entering your property and staying as there’s nothing of any appeal to them.

If your property abuts a wooded area, use gravel, mulch or wood chips and create a three-foot barrier to protect your property.

Tick Prevention

Unless you have heavy tick infestations, it’s best to avoid chemical treatments.

Here are a few natural ways to protect your Pomeranian:

Tick and flea sprays. 

Insect Repellent for Dogs.  

These are products that work very well and receive lots of excellent reviews from dog owners. Every dog has a unique chemistry and your location is also unique so there may be times when the healthy products don’t work as well as they should and you may be forced to use a product containing insecticides. Each one differs in how it works and how your dog may react to it. Two products that seem to help in many cases are Frontline Plus (for high infestation areas) and Advantage Multi.

Stinging insects.

You also have to consider the stinging insects such as wasps, hornets, bees and others. Dogs are often prone to being stung as they love sniffing around in places where these insects like living. (i.e. bushes, etc.)

Facial stings can be quite painful. They may also cause an allergic reaction and that can be more dangerous. If your Pomeranian is stung, watch him for allergic reaction signs such as a swollen face, weakness and/or trouble breathing.

An antihistamine administered by your vet can save his life. So if your Pom displays any sign of swelling,  contact your Vet immediately.

If your Pom gets stings at the same time, you must rush him to the vet, even if he seems OK. Small breeds can react faster and the problem can be more severe than for bigger dogs.

Check his body to see if there are any stingers still impaled. Don’t try using tweezers to remove them, as this can squirt out more venom. Use a plastic card (credit card) to scrape it out. Mix baking powder and water into a paste you can apply to reduce pain and swelling.

Safe Flea Shampoos for Pomeranians

The safest flea and tick shampoos to use on your Pomeranian dog are always marked safe for cats and kittens:

Best Flea Treatment for Pomeranians

Risks that Repellent Chemicals and Antiparasitic Drugs may have on Pomeranians and other Canines

Most dog owners know why it’s wise to use natural remedies for their Poms. However, there can be ingredients in any tick, flea, mosquito or heartworm products that can harm your Pomeranian.

Best flea treatment for pomeranians.
Best flea treatment for pomeranians.

Here’s a list of the most popular ingredients and compounds you should avoid using because they’ll probably hurt your dog, and no caring owner would willingly cause their pet any harm.

Tick and Flea Chemicals:

Parabens. You might already know this one because it’s linked to selecting a good shampoo for your pet Pomeranian. However, this is a synthetic preservative that you can also find in many pet care products, including an insect repellent. Using topical parabens may cause itchy dry skin, rashes and various other irritations. Long-term use can affect the quality of his coat and may also cause hair loss.

Pyrethroid is a synthetic insecticide that causes allergies and side effects such as: diarrhea, vomiting, muscle tremors, fever, seizures, breathing difficulties, excessive drooling and neurological problems. It’s used in lots of flea collars.

NOTE: This is a chemical manmade substitute, and must never be confused with permethrin, a natural substance. Permethrin is highly toxic to cats but has a lot less side effects for canines. Both are types of pyrethrum (comes from chrysanthemums).

DEET (N, N-Diethyl-m-toluamide). The US army developed this particular insecticide. It repels mosquitoes really well BUT is toxic to dogs via ingestion, inhalation or skin contact. It may also cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other stomach and central nervous system problems.

Isooxazoline. (aka afoxolaner) is a fairly new pesticide. It’s in a few tick and flea dog products such as: Simparica, Credelio, Bravectom and Nexgard. It has been linked to seizures and other serious neurological problems.

Tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur have been identified as probable carcinogens by the EPA.

To summarize so far:

There are plenty of ingredients and drugs that may cause negative side effects in dogs. Now we’ll look at using different all-natural tick and flea drugs while ensuring the doses used are minimized to keep your Pomeranian as safe from parasites and insects as possible.

Note: All these products contain toxic chemicals. The balance of enough to kill the pests and not do any harm to your Pomeranian is crucial. Many Pomeranians have suffered severe health issues after the use of various flea and tick treatments.

Recommended Products

Now we have explained what you should know about ticks and fleas, and mosquitoes (the only way heartworms can be transmitted). You should appreciate why it’s critical to avoid pesticides and harsh chemicals, so we’ll cover various all-natural ingredients that are ideal for repelling pests.

1. Richard’s Organics Gentle Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs 

It’s a spray that’s 100% natural and contains essential oils such as: cinnamon, peppermint, rosemary, cloves and eugenol (a product made of cloves).

NOTE: Eugenol, cloves and clove oil are safe for dogs but lethal for cats. If you own a cat, it’s best not to use this product.

The spray can last up to four weeks but it must be done after each bath. If you wash your dog every two or three weeks, that’s when you’ll spray again. The ideal method is to begin with his tail, work up to the neck, spraying his coat lightly and always work it in against the direction in which his fur grows. Always avoid his face (mouth, nose and eyes).

After you finish the massaging part, you may wish to use a towel to dry the coat. Then use normal products on his coat (e.g. a leave-in conditioner).

If you and/or your dog are very sensitive to powerful scents, it’s better to use this next option.

2. WonderCide Flea Tick and Mosquito Control Spray – Lemongrass

This is a very effective, 100% all-natural spray, containing cedar oil and lemongrass, both potent essential oils that repel ticks, fleas and mosquitoes, making it handy and safe for regular use. The other benefit is that it’s a pleasant, clean, crisp scent.

They have three more formulas, all containing a prime essential oil that naturally repels the pests: cedarwood, peppermint and rosemary.

You spray your Pomeranian’s coat every 2 – 3 days, as you lift his fur and apply it against the direction of his hair growth.

3. Pure Natural Insect Repellent for Dogs by Curealia

If you would prefer not to use a complete body spray, balms can be applied to certain body parts.

The balm is in a tin you can easily take anywhere. It repels ticks, fleas and mosquitoes, all thanks to its blend of essential oils such as patchouli, rosewood, cedarwood and lavender. The balm also contains an extra bonus, in the form of shea butter and olive oil, both are friendly to your dog’s skin.

It’s easy to apply. Get a little bit and rub between your hands so it melts. Then rub it on your dog’s chest and the back of his neck, always moving against the fur growth. If you’re taking him to any wooded spaces or any other area where a large group of mosquitoes or ticks may be living, add more of this to his belly, tail, legs and down his back.

You should apply this balm every 5 – 7 days, depending on what he has been doing.

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References and Further Reading:

[1] Denise Leo “The Pomeranian Handbook”.

Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your dog. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on ANY website.


Denise Leo

Pomeranians are my passion, and I have shared my life with these darling little dogs for many decades. The creator and face behind this website is published author and Pomeranian breed authority Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians.

Denise Leo
Denise Leo

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