Last Updated on 25/04/2024 by Dochlaggie. Post first published on November 1, 2021.
Pomeranians make amazing pets due to their tiny size and endearing personality. They are best known for their cheerful nature and adorable fluffy coats. Their affectionate and cheerful personality, combined with their easy adaptability, the Pomeranians have won the hearts of many city-dwellers and families.
Black and tan Pomeranians are unique, adorable and feisty. Tan highlights accentuate the breed’s signature eyebrows and gives them a cute and adorable appearance. The little guys have tan pattern markings similar to Rottweilers or Doberman Pinschers.

Black and Tan Pomeranian Details
Black and Tan Pomeranians are black Poms with rust or tan pattern markings. The points including eye rims, nose, lips and pads should be black. In Black and Tan Poms, darker, rich tan pattern markings are preferred over lighter tan markings.
Black and tan was one of the original Pomeranian color patterns. This combination was one of the original colors in the Pomeranian Breed Standard of 1892.
Colour: The following colours are admissible. White, black, blue, brown, black and tan, fawn, sable, red and parti -colours. The whites must be free from lemon or any colour, and the blacks, blues, browns, black and tans, and any reds free from white. A few white hairs in any self-colours shall not disqualify, but should be discouraged.
Pomeranian Breed Standard 1892-1898
From 1892 to 1901, the following Pomeranian colors were admissible:
Colour: The following colours are admissible : White, black, blue, brown, black-and-tan, fawn, sable, red, and parti-colours. The white must be quite free from lemon or any colour, and the blacks, blues, browns, black-and-tan, and reds free from white. A few white hairs in any of the self- colours shall not absolutely disqualify, but should carry great weight against the dog. In parti-coloured dogs, the colours should be evenly distributed on the body. Whole-coloured dogs with a white foot or feet, eg or legs, are decidedly objectionable, and should be discouraged, and cannot compete as whole-coloured specimens. In mixed classes i.e., where whole-coloured and parti-coloured Pomeranians compete together the preference should, if in other points they are equal, be given to the whole – coloured specimens. 10 points.
Pomeranian Breed Standard 1898-1901
From 1901 until 1909, although not on the list of breed colors, the black and tan pattern is still present and is mentioned in the section about nose pigmentation.
Nose: In black, black and tan, or white dogs the nose should be black; in other coloured Pomeranians it may more often be brown or liver-coloured, but in all cases the nose must be self, not parti-coloured, and never white.
Pomeranian Breed Standard 1901
Colour: The following colours are admissible: – White, black, blue or grey, brown, sable or shaded sable (including red, orange or fawn), and parti -colours. The whites must be quite free from lemon or any colour, and the blacks, blues, browns and sables from any white. A few white hairs in any of the self-colours shall not absolutely disqualify, but should carry great weight against a dog. In parti-coloured dogs the colours should be evenly distributed on the body in patches; a dog with a white foot or a white chest would not be a parti-coloured. Whole coloured dogs with a white foot or feet, leg or legs, are decidedly objectionable and should be discouraged, and cannot compete as whole coloured specimens. In mixed classes – where whole coloured and parti-coloured Pomeranians compete together – the preference should, if in other points they are equal, be given to the whole coloured specimens.
Pomeranian Breed Standard 1901
The reason why the black and tan color has been omitted from the color section of the breed standard since 1901 is unknown.
Pomeranians with black or tan markings have been highly discouraged since 1909. The breed standard for the UK has designated them as “undesirable.”
These dogs can be shown on an equal basis with other breed colors throughout North America and Canada and all FCI regulated countries, including Ireland.
Despite black and tan Poms being made champions, this color pattern remains very controversial in the U.K. and Australia.

Black and Tan Pomeranian Puppy Colors
It is sometimes difficult to assess the coat color in a tiny newborn Pomeranian puppy. The clear and defining indicator for a Pomeranian puppy black and tan is that an actual black and tan Pomeranian puppy will have the tan marking pattern underneath the tail and around the anus.
In a newly born black and tan Pomeranian puppy, it can be very hard to see the tan markings. This is because the coat is black and the markings are very small. In some puppies, you might see the fine marks above the eyes, cheeks, legs and chest. Mostly you need to have a trained eye for this.
A correctly marked black and tan Pomeranian puppy is absolutely gorgeous. As they grow up, the tan markings often become richer and more visible and define the facial features beautifully. To know if you truly have a black and tan Pomeranian on your hands, you should wait until your pup reaches around eight to twelve weeks old.
How Much is a Black and Tan Pomeranian?
A Pomeranian can be obtained from a breeder for anywhere from $500 to $6,000. However, they are most commonly seen between $1800 and $3,000. Specialty Poms like the white Pomeranian can often cost more.
You’ll also need to consider your costs to get all the other supplies you need to provide your pup with a suitable home. There are also ongoing costs that you’ll incur while caring for it throughout its life.

What Genes Cause the Black and Tan Coat in Pomeranian Dogs?
The two basic genes that code the dog color are Eumelanin and Phaeomelanin. All different variations of colors are created by these two genes (pigments). These two colors can create many different coat colors, eye color, and point (eyelids, nose, mouth, and paw pads) combinations. Genes control the intensity of the color making it stronger or diluted.
If one gene is dominant and the other one recessive, the dominant one will appear and the recessive one is hidden. A recessive gene can only appear when there are two of them. The black and tan Pomeranian needs to get this rare recessive gene from both parents to have a chance for a black and tan coat.
The black and tan color in Pomeranian is a genetically recessive trait that is rare. Two copies of the recessive bb gene are required to produce the exotic black and tan color in Poms. Both parents must carry a black and tan gene to produce a black and tan Pomeranian puppy.

Do the Grooming Requirements Vary for Black and Tan Poms?
All Pomeranian colors bring the same grooming requirements and challenges. The grooming and brushing routine of a Pom depends on the activity of the dog and the environment that they spend their time in.
In regard to shedding, all colors shed the same amount. However, a black and tan Pomeranian’s shedded hairs will show more on light colored furniture and flooring.
What Health Problems are Black and Tan Poms Prone To?
Getting a healthy black and tan Pomeranian puppy is a crucial thing. Even the slightest health problem can be a serious risk for them. Plus, just like other Pomeranians, black and tan Pomeranians are prone to hereditary and non-hereditary health issues.
If you are planning to buy a black and tan Pomeranian, you need to be aware of its health concerns. Let’s have a look into these health issues that may affect this breed:
● Patella Luxation
● Tracheal Collapse
● Pharyngeal Gag Reflex
● Hypothyroidism
● Cushing’s Disease
● Heart Disease
● Idiopathic Epilepsy
● Cataracts
● Portosystemic Shunt (PSS)
This absolutely does not necessarily mean your black and tan Pom will acquire any sort of health and fitness concerns. Responsible breeding techniques will greatly reduce the risks of genetic disorders in black and tan Pomeranians.
It is important to get your black and tan Pomeranian to the vet as soon as possible if you see any problems. Buying from a responsible breeder will help ensure that you get a healthy black and tan Pom.

What are Popular Pomeranian Colors?
Pomeranians come in a variety of colors. The most common Pomeranian colors are orange and orange sable. Not all colors of Pomeranians are accepted by the AKC. The AKC standard on Pomeranian colors is pretty vague. “All colors, patterns, and variations there-of are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis.”
The popular Pomeranian colors are:
- Orange
- Cream
- Orange Sable
- Black
- White
- Wolf Sable
- Cream Sable
- Chocolate
- The parti-color pattern
- Blue Merle
- Chocolate and tan
- Red
- Red Sable
- Blue
- Blue Sable
- Blue and tan
- Chocolate Merle
- Beaver
- Lavender
- Blue Brindle
- Merle and tan
What is the Rarest Color of Pomeranian?
Rare Pomeranian colors are disqualified by the Pomeranian Breed Standard of the American Kennel Club. If you are not planning to show your Pom in competitions, this shouldn’t affect your decision to own a rare color.
The rarest colors of Pomeranians is the lavender. What makes the lavender variant rare is because it is difficult to find a pure lavender Pom. Genuine lavender Poms do not have stripes or patches of another color.
Rare colors in Poms can be exceptionally expensive. The genes of both parents determine the Pom puppy’s color.

Which Pomeranian color is best?
There is no best color for the Pomeranians. The color only affects aesthetics in most cases, though some do affect health. Which one you choose largely depends on which color you like the best, as well as what you’re willing to pay for it. A Pomeranian is a Pomeranian – no matter what they look like.
The black and tan Poms are rare and beautiful. They have gorgeous black colored furs with stunning tan markings. The tan markings in these beauties can vary from rust to sort of reddish. Any contrast between black and tan colors is simply gorgeous!
When considering a rare color Pomeranian, like a black and tan Pom, it is crucial to find a reputable breeder with good breeding practices.
Final thoughts
You can’t use rare colored Pomeranians for show purposes but they might be the right pet for you. All Pomeranians are adorable and charming. Color will not affect your dog’s personality. The fun-loving dogs offer a loyal companionship and thrive on their owners’ attention. These little guys have an outgoing nature and don’t like to be left alone. Even if your Pom is a disqualifying color, he’ll still have that playful and lively Pomeranian temperament.
Welcoming a Pomeranian into the family promises years of loyalty, fun, and endearing companionship. This little dog makes a considerate, smart, and loving pet. Whatever Pomeranian coat colours you have, their personalities, temperaments, and your relationship with them are indeed what matters the most.
Remember that like small kids, our pets are heavily reliant on our care as owners! You must give your black and tan Pom high-quality food, take care of his exercise and grooming needs, and take him for check-ups to a vet.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article! Feel free to share your thoughts and questions. We would be happy to hear from you!
Happy Poming!
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References and Further Reading:
[1] Official Standard of the Pomeranian (AKC). American Kennel Club, 2011.
[2] English Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, 2017.
[3] Denise Leo, The Pomeranian Handbook.
[4] Milo G. Denlinger “The Complete Pomeranian.”
[5] Kimbering Pomeranians “1891-1991”.
[6] William Taplin’s “The Sportsman’s Cabinet.”
[7] E. Parker “The Popular Pomeranian.”
[8] Lilla Ives “Show Pomeranians.”