Last Updated on 03/05/2024 by Denise Leo. Post first published on May 3, 2024.
Explore the world of shaved Pomeranians, where we explore the effects and considerations of this grooming style, complete with expert advice.
Whether you’re a seasoned Pomeranian owner or considering bringing one of these fluffy bundles into your home, understanding the intricacies of a Pomeranian haircut is crucial. Pomeranians are famous for their luxurious double coat of fur, which requires frequent grooming to maintain health and aesthetics.
From Pomeranian puppies to adult Pomeranians, maintaining coat health is a top priority. We’ll also delve into the pros and cons of shaving, how it affects their original coat, and share tips to preserve their cute appearance while ensuring their comfort.
Special insights will be offered by renowned Pomeranian expert Denise Leo, who will share her extensive knowledge on maintaining the integrity of your Pom’s fur through proper grooming techniques. So, whether you’re grooming a Pomeranian for the first time or looking to refine your current practices, this post is packed with valuable information to help you make the best choices for your furry friend’s coat health and overall well-being
Can You Shave a Pomeranian?
Should you shave a Pomeranian? No, please do not shave your Pomeranian. Shaving Pomeranians or shaving any double-coated dog like the Pomeranian may damage the hair follicles.
Shaving or close clipping any dog with a double coat can severely hinder their ability to keep themselves warm and cool as required. It also helps protect their skin.
Most Pom dog coats that have been shaved or clipped will start growing back almost immediately. However, it’s possible that the shaved Pomeranian fur may never grow back or it could take a very long time to do so.
Taking your Pomeranian to a groomer may be a risky venture, especially if you haven‘t used that person’s services before. You need to give clear instructions on what you want done and, just as importantly, what you DON’T want done.
Not every professional dog groomer will tell you about all potential problems, and that’s not their responsibility.
You must take full responsibility for the total care of your Pom. Do extensive research before shaving a Pomeranian.
The ideal way to make your Pomeranian comfortable and cool is to give him regular baths and brush his coat. Shaving a Pomeranian should only be done if the dog’s hair is badly matted.
Many Pomeranian owners contemplate shaving their dog’s coat, yet understanding the potential implications is vital. Although a Pomeranian’s coat might grow back after shaving, it often does not return with the same texture or fullness.
The regrowth can be uneven, and the double coat may lose its natural insulating properties, potentially leading to discomfort for your dog. Moreover, there is always a risk that the coat may not grow back at all. It’s essential to consider grooming alternatives that preserve the health and original characteristics of the coat.
explains Denise Leo, a renowned Pomeranian breed expert.

Does Pomeranian Hair Grow Back?
Sometimes, the dog’s coat quickly grows back, and for some Pomeranians, their coat never grows back.
Shaved Pomeranians may experience problems recoating, and shaving may alter the coat for the rest of the Pom’s life. This problem is usually referred to as post-clipping Alopecia.
The recovery period could be as much as a year. Hairs on his outer coat are known as guard hairs. The guard hairs grow much slower than the fur underneath.
The older your Pom gets, the greater the chances are that there won’t be any fur growth or that it will be very slow hair regrowth.
If this happens, your Pomeranian will only have bits of his undercoat and the short hair on his head and legs. This can give him a very patchy and scruffy appearance.
Clipping the coat during the resting phase is thought to cause post-clipping Alopecia, which may be an advanced indicator of hypothyroidism or other problems associated with your Pomeranian’s metabolism.
The coat of a Pomeranian Dog is fur. Humans have fur on our arms and legs and hair on our heads. The difference between fur and hair is that fur only grows to a certain length, while hair keeps on growing.
Fur goes through a resting period called the “telogen phase” where the hair follicles are dormant. The growing phase is called the “Anagen phase.”
In the Pomeranian and other Nordic breeds of dogs, it’s believed that this is a short phase. Hair will grow to a predefined length (thanks to the dog’s genes). Then it stops growing and goes into the telogen resting period.

4 Myths Regarding Shaving Pomeranians
It’s critical that you do your due diligence before having your Pom’s haircut. Read up on all myths and facts related to this process.
Read legitimate websites (such as mine) that are written by Pomeranian breeders registered with the AKC.
If you have questions, consider making contact. It’s an essential process that you may not know but should follow.
Why? Because the number one factor is that it’s your Pom’s health might be at stake.
Shaving Pomeranians Myth 1
If you shave your Pomeranian’s coat, it stops shedding.
Clipped Pomeranian Myth 2
Shave your Pom and he’ll feel cooler in Summer.
Another false concept.
Your Pom’s undercoat is shed so he’ll naturally keep cool when it’s hot. Consider your dog’s coat in the same way you consider your air conditioner.
Both are systems that help to regulate his temperature. If you shave your Pom’s coat, you’re disrupting his system, causing him a lot of discomfort.
Avoid shaving him but you can brush his fur to help him feel more comfortable.
It also makes his coat lighter while stopping mats from forming. If you keep his coat well-maintained, that decreases the need to shave him. There won’t be any mats that are impossible to get untangled, so unless it’s absolutely crucial, just don’t do it.
Do you see that I call shaving a “need?” It needs to be regarded that way and only done if you have no choice.
Shaved Pomeranians Myth 3
Your Pomeranian’s fur can grow back. Doesn’t this sound good?
Unfortunately, that’s about all. Sometimes, shaved Pomeranian hair will grow back, and other times, a shaved Pom dog will not recoat.
Whatever happens, you’re stuck with the decision, and the constant visual reminder might be a bald Pomeranian.
Caution: This myth is the most serious and most dangerous. If you have an older Pomeranian, he might never see his missing fur again.
Clipped Pomeranian Myth 4
Cutting Pomeranian hair short can help with your allergies.
The assumption behind it goes like this. If your Pomeranian’s fur makes you sneeze, blocks your nose, and makes your eyes water,
If that’s factual, shaving may be the answer. However, it’s usually not because the allergy’s main source isn’t affected.
People with so-called dog allergies have an allergy to canine dander, NOT the dog’s fur.
Dander is tiny skin cells that fall from your dog’s body.
Sometimes, dander attaches to dog hairs and is transmitted that way. However, it’s usually found in your Pomeranian’s undercoat.
If you give your dog a shave, you’ll be exposed to a lot more dander, making you feel worse.
The length of the two coat phases can vary according to the amount of stress your dog is experiencing. It seems pointless to buy a long-coated dog such as a Pomeranian if you’re just going to shave his coat.

The Dangers of Cutting Pomeranian Hair Short
This needed repeating because there are a few hazards associated with shaving or clipping your Pomeranian. It’s also critical because there are cases where you do something permanent that can’t be undone.
Think twice before you make a decision you may regret. Ask questions of your vet, groomer, or other medical professionals who care for dogs because your Pomeranian’s life could be in your hands.
Let’s see what sort of difficulties may happen after he’s shaved.
You Might End Up Owning a Pomeranian With No Hair
Don’t try to justify this decision by saying his fur will grow back because there are times when it simply won’t regrow.
Most commonly, after you have a Pomeranian shaved down, the fur doesn’t grow back to be the same as before you shaved him. Newly grown fur might be shorter and patchy.
Pomeranian Fur Can Be Permanently Damaged by Clipping Short
A bald Pomeranian may not be the result of having your Pomeranian clipped once, but I would not be pushing my luck and would not practice cutting Pomeranian hair short often.
Don’t think that if you shave a Pomeranian dog once and the hair grows back the fur will grow back every time you have your Pomeranian shaved down.
His undercoat might grow back, but his outer coat, which protects his undercoat, likely won’t be the same as before.
Pomeranian Sunburn
If you really want to shave your Pom, it’s critical to his life that you leave a minimum of one inch of fur. If you don’t do so, his skin will be exposed to the sun and can suffer from sunburn.
His outer coat helps protect him from sunburn and bites from bugs.
Pomeranian Skin Cancer
When your Pomeranian is shaved and/or clipped, it’s simple for him to succumb to skin cancer because his skin is vulnerable to the sun’s harsh rays.

Pomeranian Heatstroke
Your intentions are good. The theory is that shaving your Pomeranian’s coat will keep him cooler in the hot summer months.
However, the harsh reality is that once his coat is shaved, he’ll begin panting heavier as that’s a way for him to cool himself. He’ll also take breaks that happen more often and for longer when he goes walking.
If you love your Pomeranian, it’s not something you would wish on anybody. If his walks were fun previously, they probably feel like torture now.
Consider how different it feels to take your dog for easy walks compared to walks when you’re stressing over whether your Pom is overheating at every step.
Pomeranian Cuts for Summer
Should I shave my Pomeranian in the summer? If you really want to do that, perhaps you should think more about the breed of dog you want before actually making the purchase. Also, consider the amount of overall grooming involved, as it’s not something you may want to do.
Maybe you would prefer a dog that doesn’t need as much grooming. Pomeranians have a double-layered coat. The undercoat has short, fluffy, soft hairs, which act as insulation and help support the much longer outer layer.
In other words, the dog stays cool in summer and warm in winter. The stronger, longer guard hairs help to insulate your dog against the heat from the weather and the sun itself.
Evolution blessed the Pomeranian breed of dog in this manner. If you clip the coat very short, you eliminate the dog’s natural cooling and heating ability and you cause more harm than good. There’s a big contrast between dogs and people.
Dogs don’t get cool through their skin. Their paw pads sweat and their major cooling method is panting. Owners also foolishly believe that shaving a Pomeranian will stop him shedding. Poms and other double-coat breeds will still shed after they have been shaved.
It doesn’t matter how much shaving you do; your Pom will keep shedding. The small difference is that all the shed fur will be shorter than you’re used to seeing. It may be harder to remove it from carpets, furniture, and clothing.
Final Thoughts on Shaving a Pomeranian
In conclusion, shaving your Pomeranian is a quick solution to grooming challenges. It’s crucial to weigh the potential long-term effects on yoPom’sm’s magnificent double-coat of fur. While popular styles like the lion, teddy bear, and puppy cut might look adorable, professional groomers often recommend less drastic measures to maintain coat health. Regular grooming can remove dead hair and promote new growth without compromising the coat’s protective qualities.
Alternative cuts, such as the show cut, using scissors can help manage your Pomeranian’s fluffy coat without exposing the sensitive inner layer of its skin to harsh weather conditions, which can lead to skin irritation and other health issues. Moreover, maintaining the outer guard hairs helps regulate their body temperature and protects against environmental challenges.
To support the regrowth and overall health of yoPomeranian’sn’s coat, incorporating a balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids, regular supplementation with essential oils, and choosing high-quality dog foods are pivotal. This not only aids in maintaining the lushness of their adult coat but also ensures that their skin temperature is kept within a comfortable range.
Remember, the goal is to keep your adult Poms comfortable, healthy, and happy. By avoiding shaving down to the skin, you help preserve the coat’s natural functions and avoid potential coat issues. Frequent grooming, mindful of not cutting the long fur too short, can keep your Pomeranian looking its best. This way, you ensure the ongoing beauty and health of your Pomeranian’s coat, celebrating its iconic, fluffy appearance while safeguarding its well-being.
Copyright Pomeranian.Org. All Rights Reserved.
References and Further Reading:
[1] Official Standard of the Pomeranian (AKC). American Kennel Club, 2011.
[2] English Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, 2017.
[3] Denise Leo, The Pomeranian Handbook.
[4] Milo G. Denlinger “The Complete Pomeranian.”
[5] Kimbering Pomeranians “1891-1991”.
[6] William Taplin’s “The Sportsman’s Cabinet.”
[7] E. Parker “The Popular Pomeranian.”
[8] Lilla Ives “Show Pomeranians.”
Learn Everything About Pomeranians in The Pomeranian Handbook