Caring For your Pomeranian, Pomeranian Grooming

How To Brush A Pomeranian: Complete Instructions And Photos

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Last Updated on 25/04/2024 by Dochlaggie. Post first published on April 28, 2023.

Pomeranian coats are thick and long, so brushing them can be difficult. But regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and keep your Pomeranian’s coat looking its best. A good brushing routine is essential for your Pomeranian.

I have decades of experience with champion Poms and will show you how to brush your Pomeranian properly. I’ll break down exactly how one should go about doing just this.

If you don’t understand Pomeranian fur types, this information will explain why certain methods and tools are necessary when brushing a dog’s hair.

How to Brush a Pomeranian Dog’s Coat

If you have a Pomeranian, you know how important it is to brush their fur. Unfortunately, it cannot be easy to find the right brush for them, so we’ve compiled this list of our favorite brushes that are perfect for your Pom.

I recommend using a slicker brush or a pin brush with metal pins. These brushes remove dirt and dead hair from deep within the coat. They also help remove tangles in long coats.

The coat of a Pomeranian dog is two layers. He has a dense undercoat that’s woolly and holds the outer hairs off the body. Then there’s the outer coat which is coarse and long and is known as a guard coat.

You’ll need to use the line-brushing method with your Pomeranian. The coat of these dogs must be brushed correctly to avoid tangles developing and remove shedding fur. I will explain the line-brushing method further down, so read on.

Pomeranian Coat Stages

A good understanding of Pomeranian fur stages will assist with brushing techniques and all facets of grooming Pomeranian hair.

When they’re young, a Pomeranian pup’s fur usually lacks substantial guard hairs and is virtually a single coat. This Pomeranian fur is very soft, and although it grows, it won’t get too long because, inside his first year, it all falls out. Hairs won’t shed much and are usually not long enough to get tangled.

Older Pom puppies, from around 4 – 6 months of age, move into the “Pomeranian puppy uglies” phase (so named because the fur often looks quite patchy), where their puppy fur will fall out and be replaced by a new adult coat.

By the 12-15 months point, Pomeranians are considered adults and have grown a huge double coat. The pomeranian undercoat is short, soft, fluffy fur tightly packed on his body. The outer layer is made of guard hairs that are noticeably longer.

The whole coat is dense, a significant amount of shedding takes place (although you might not notice it), and there will be a lot of tangles that need to be brushed regularly to avoid problems.

How to Brush a Pomeranian
How to Brush a Pomeranian

Puppy Pomeranian Grooming Tips

The secret to training your Pom to enjoy brushing and all types of grooming procedures is to start early on Pomeranian puppy grooming. A Pomeranian’s first grooming sessions need to commence with the breeder. The new owner should continue with the grooming regime started by the breeder.

Train your Pomeranian to lay quietly on each side, as well as on his back for brushing and toenail trimming. Helping the puppy to understand he should be comfortable on his back is a very important part of grooming training.

If your Pomeranian is uncomfortable in these positions, a simple alternative is to brush your Pomeranian on your lap.

The Pomeranian shouldn’t be allowed to get up if he’s struggling to get away. Once he’s fully relaxed and soothed by the owner’s voice, he can get back on his feet and be rewarded with a treat.

A puppy often prefers to remain on his back once he understands there’s no danger and will enjoy the extra attention.

Pomeranian coats require regular attention. Make grooming part of a routine with your dog, and you’ll both come to enjoy this special bonding time.

How To Brush A Pomeranian
How To Brush A Pomeranian

How Often Should You Brush a Pomeranian?

Ideally, you would brush your Pomeranian each day, either as a form of relaxation or while watching TV. However, most people’s lives aren’t always ideal. You can still get great results if you brush your dog every second day.

This will provide all the benefits mentioned previously. It’s critical to use the right sprays, brushes, and combs.

When in doubt, your breeder or groomer should be your first source of information. You can’t “over-brush” him so that you can do it daily. Pomeranian brushing and/or combing before baths is essential so you can separate any tangles and separate them before using shampoo.

Pom puppies need to get brushed 2 – 3 times per week. This helps improve blood flow, distributes body oil, stimulates hair follicles, and lets puppies get used to being brushed, which is a bonus for both of you, especially when he becomes an adult, and he will need to be brushed with greater intensity.

Every dog sheds hair, and it must go somewhere. It may become entangled in the outer coat and cause a clump of Pomeranian hair knots. It may blow down your hall. It can get onto furniture, bedding, clothes, or even you. When you brush your dog, it catches a lot of the shed hair. Therefore, it is wise to groom every day, if possible.

Pomeranian Grooming Tips

Pomeranians are a long-haired breed of dog, and because of this, they require more grooming than other breeds. So if you’re looking for tips on how to brush their fur, we can help.

We’ll start with the basics: brushing your Pomeranian’s coat will reduce shedding by removing dead hair. It will help if you also brushed them after walks to eliminate any dirt accumulated during those activities. There are two important grooming tools for doing this – one is with a slicker brush or a pin brush.

It is important to work in sections. It does not matter where you start brushing or what order, do not miss any parts of this body: underbelly, tail, etcetera.

Never brush dry dog hair. Always mist the coat as you brush. Use a light spray mist and hold about 6 inches from your Pom to evenly distribute it throughout the undercoat and topcoat. Be sure not to use too much spray.

You could purchase a grooming spritz or use just one tablespoon of conditioner in an empty spray bottle with some rainwater or other pure water to give your dog’s fur that perfect shine. Avoid tap water, as it may have chemicals that could damage their skin.

A comb is a great tool for styling your pup’s hair. Use it carefully to go over any areas that weren’t covered by brush, like their head area, the dog’s ears, and between paws.

Pomeranian Brushing Guide
Pomeranian Brushing Guide

Best Way to Groom a Pomeranian

It’s simple to brush the outer coat so your dog looks great. However, you must also brush the undercoat to prevent it from becoming matted. Here is where line brushing your dog can be very helpful.

How to Brush a Pomeranian: A Step-by-Step Guide

I apply the following three steps before either bathing or trimming my Pom dog. Applying these steps helps to ensure there are no mats, snags, or tangles and every hair is separated.

  • Step 1 is completely brushing the entire coat using the line brushing technique. Line brushing is a basic technique for brushing most long-coated dog breeds. Using a pin brush, commence from the shoulders and separate the coat in a line down to the skin from shoulder to base of the tail. Brushing one layer at a time. Pay attention to the areas that matt, tangle, and knot easily; behind the ears, under the front legs, and the groin area.
  • Step 2 is repeating the first step using a soft slicker brush.
  • Step 3 is repeating step 1 using a metal comb to comb through the Pomeranian’s coat completely. Preparation is complete when the comb easily glides through the Pom’s coat. The comb is the last Pomeranian grooming tool on the coat.
How to Brush a Pomeranian
How to Brush a Pomeranian

How to Make Pomeranian Fluffy by Line Brushing

The best results are obtained by using a brushing method called line brushing. Laying your Pomeranian on his side, work in rows down each side of the body, then repeat on the chest area, rump area, and underneath the Pomeranian. Brushing each layer of hair from the skin outwards.

Line Brushing Pomeranian Dog
Line Brushing Pomeranian Dog

Pomeranian Brushing Helps Maintain Coat Health in 7 Ways

1. Pomeranian Hair Knots and Pomeranian Matted Undercoat

Pomeranian hair knots form in his hair. A matted undercoat consists of thicker knots of weaved hair close to a Pom’s skin. These problems can occur and grow rapidly; they can be hard to remove unless you cut off some of his fur, and the process can cause your Pomeranian pain when his hair gets pulled in, and his skin is pinched. You need to create a routine whereby you brush his coat to stop these issues from happening and, while you brush, check for small mats and tangles.

How to Brush a Pomeranian
How to Brush a Pomeranian Using a Slicker Brush

2. Body Oil Is Distributed

A dog’s natural body oil seeps out of his pores and can quickly build up. When you brush his coat, that helps to distribute the oil more evenly. It dissipates the smell that can exist when oil sits there on his skin. It also gives his fur that healthy shine.

3. Pomeranian brushing Removes Hairs That Have Been Shed

Pomeranians always shed their hair, but there are usually two main seasonal sheds, and most of the loose hair falls out from his undercoat. If you don’t pull out dead hairs, they can stop air circulation, attract accumulated body oil (which will make him smell bad), twist with live hairs, and cause mats to grow.

How to Brush a Pomeranian using a Pin Brush
How to Brush a Pomeranian Using a Slicker Brush

4. Improved Health for Skin and Coat

Brushing your Pomeranian’s skin is like a massage, improving blood flow and stimulating hair follicles, leading to better fur growth.

5. Tiny Debris Gets Removed

Brushing gets rid of microscopic debris and bits of food collected by his coat.

6. Golden Opportunity to Use a Leave-in Protective Spray

While brushing, it’s the perfect time to use a conditioning spritz. A good quality spray will ensure his coat is moisturized properly, adds extra shine, stops mats and split ends, repels contact irritants and allergens, and any urine “splashback.”

7. A Well-Groomed, Tidy Pomeranian

Brushing helps your Pomeranian look presentable all the time and helps him feel better about himself. A healthy dog is a happy dog.

Brushing a pomeranian
Brushing a pomeranian

How To Brush A Pomeranian Conclusion

A Pomeranian’s coat is beautiful when it shines, but to keep their coats healthy and shiny, you will need to brush them regularly. Brushing your Pom will help distribute the natural oils throughout the fur, avoid matting of hair, and remove dead hairs that can cause skin irritation or allergies for both you and your dog.

In this blog post, we’ve provided a step-by-step guide to brushing your Pomeranian. We hope that you find it helpful! If there is any additional information or other grooming tips that you think would be useful for owners of Pom pups, please let me know.

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References and Further Reading:
[1] Official Standard of the Pomeranian (AKC). American Kennel Club, 2011.
[2] English Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, 2017.
[3] Denise Leo, The Pomeranian Handbook.
[4] Milo G. Denlinger “The Complete Pomeranian.”
[5] Kimbering Pomeranians “1891-1991”.
[6] William Taplin’s “The Sportsman’s Cabinet.”
[7]  E. Parker “The Popular Pomeranian.”
[8] Lilla Ives “Show Pomeranians.”

Pomeranian Brushing Tips
Pomeranian Brushing Tips



Pomeranians are my passion, and I have shared my life with these darling little dogs for many decades. The creator and face behind this website is published author and Pomeranian breed authority Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians.

Denise Leo
Denise Leo